Willem van Nassau Breda
zangstuk voor La Conquista de Breda, part III
2023 05
Als vervolg op Mencía & Hendrik schreef Ad van Rosmalen een kort zangstuk, in vijf delen, over de neef van Graaf Hendrik III van Nassau Breda: Willem van Oranje Nassau Breda, later genoemd De Zwijger. De associatie van Oranje met Nassau wordt becommentarieerd, over de Slag bij Oosterweel wordt verhaald, de erop volgende bezetting van Antwerpen door de Calvinisten, Willem houdt een toespraak over De Opstand en beziet kort voor 1584 zijn leven.

Speech on the Future of the Dutch Revolt
In 1573 Willem van Oranje has become Protestant. Spain destroyed many churches and killed believers. The first city, Alkmaar, breaks the siege by Spain ("Van Alkmaar de victorie.") and Van Oranje wants to unite the various Protestant church communities in the battle. He gives a speech in which he explains that his future is linked to that of the Churches and the States.
Am I to blame for this, gentlemen, is it my fault?

Is it my fault that our people are pursued and killed,
Even into churches where they should be carefree and safe?
If it is true what Leviticus teaches, that the witness is guilty,
Then I would have felt God's anger, from Exodus and further on,
Here and now as a mark in my soul, to the seventh generation,
To the thirteenth as lasting misfortune, it would be upbraided.

Am I to blame for this, dear friends, is it my fault?
Am I to blame, Lord, I ask Thee, am I to blame?

That our time is more war-filled than the dark ages
Before us, because then it was a wondrous peace.
Not even can I say that I have killed that one villain,
In my struggle to save the lives of the many of people.
But even then, I would plead guilty, while you, my lords,
You judge me without know or respect my beliefs.
Dei Gratia id quod sum and thus I am also your servant.

Am I to blame, milords, I would ask thou, is it my fault?
Am I to blame for Romish words, indeed a curse for you…

I only said that by God's Grace, I became whom you all despise.
I was like my kinsmen, with Martin Luther, and yes, I became a Catholic,
And yes, at last, I can be one of you then anyway.
Do you think you are following God's Will by rejecting me?
Maybe so, but don't your human judgments bring hellfire to Earth?
You speak from your own right and the certainty of apparent dogmas,
But what are you guilty of, gentlemen? Do you know?

Am I to blame for living with God's Grace? Is that a fault?
Am I a fraud, dear friends, seeing a little sign of God's hand in living?

Let each do what must done, so we can say pretium laborum non vile,
But slowly and not in vain, we have become from mere servants
Of the Lord, into workers for ourselves and our people.
This is what I see in your works, friends, and in our churches:
The will to follow one's destiny, as it is written in the palm of God's hand.
You work and pray, but do you want to exalt only yourself in all that?
All living Christians, friends, and those in afterlife, bear God's sign.

Am I not a living creature, tell me if I wrong, that is aware of God's hand?
Am I then a Romish intriguer? Although you well understand me, milords.

All the days of my adult life I want to prevent the bloodshed
That is wrought in the name of Lord and distant King,
But above all I want to defend those who sincerely believe.
I will leave the Word of the Lord to you, and your scholars
Who's disputes about Iota and Tittle are sacred to me.
I will lay a cordon of peace around your states and cities,
So that the hand of the foreign monarch no longer kills your faithful.

You well understand me, friends, as all living Christians do.
You understand I do not call for mutual strife, as little as you would, don't you?

Nor am I even abhorred what that distant prince believes.
More than half of Europe and all of America is not enough for him,
If that gives him territorial peace, I don't mind, if he will leave to us
What we want to believe and keep us out of his megalomaniac passions.
What is it you want, milords, what future do you have in mind?
Will it differ from mine? You may not want to exist in mine,
But undeniably and even if you are not inclined that thought yet,

Are you my future, milords. You are my future, friends.

Kasteel van de Prins van Oranje, Breda
Kasteel van de Prins van Oranje, Breda

Kasteel van de Prins van Oranje, Breda
Kasteel van de Prins van Oranje, Breda
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